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How To Get Your "Workjo" Back

​We’re into winter and it’s pouring with rain as you scramble into the office, a tad late, frustrated, stagnant and deflated in general.

You love your job and the people you work with, the career opportunities are truly awesome and you know the business is doing well… but you’ve got that dire feeling when each day just blends into the next.

You’re not really feeling any great sense of achievement or real satisfaction – you’ve kind of lost your mojo. In fact, you have – you’ve lost your workjo.

Time to spice things up, get that fire in the belly and make some changes!

Even the smallest change, new project or new way of working can improve your mood, your efficiency of work and ultimately your company culture.

Lead from the front and look to develop some ideas for change – see, you’re already getting excited!

Here are some simple ways to reengage you and your team and get your mojo back.

This will get your mind off the wet winter ahead and create some excitement in your day. You’ll go home knowing you’ve made really positive changes to your company and those around you.

Not only will your work colleagues love your work, you might even see a change in attitude from your partner, spouse or friends who are greeted by a chirpy, successful and happy new you!

Brainstorm some new ideas or ways of working

We often don’t do this enough in business, but we should. Take time out with your workmates, maybe over a lunch or offsite somewhere, and have a strategy session about what’s going good and what’s not – delegate certain tasks and you’ll see everyone’s engagement increase, as well as business performance and customer satisfaction!

Ask to move desk, work station or project site and work with some new people

This can be a great way of mixing things up and getting a fresh perspective on the wider business. Look to share knowledge and different ways of working.

Take on a new project, task or role

Ask your boss nicely if there is anything extra you can take off their hands – taking on more responsibility is a sure way to reinvigorate your passion and happiness. And of course they’ll love you for it.

Ask for a review or evaluation on your performance

Some companies are good at giving feedback, some not so good. Upwards manage and request a catch-up – now.

This will give your manager a good opportunity to give you more responsibility, praise you for your efforts and maybe even change up your role, for the better. Again, they’ll love you for taking the initiative and it may lead to a promotion in the near future.

Identify a course, training event or conference to attend

Any good leadership team should encourage and support this – it’s great for keeping up with industry trends, networking, knowing what best practice is or making improvements to your service offering. You’re likely to learn something exciting and be able to bring that back to HQ and share.

Self-assessment is a sure-fire way to unlock opportunities to increase your happiness

Take time in a quiet room or over a coffee to think long and hard about what you could do better or change to make you happy at work.

Regardless of your role, it can be invigorating to take a look in the mirror – maybe it’s that you could arrive to work earlier, stop procrastinating on certain tasks, deal with a standing issue with a work colleague or give feedback to your employees about what’s grinding your gears.

Get honest with yourself and take action. The relief will follow.

Don’t let the winter blues set in – take action and think about what exciting ideas you can bring to the workplace.

Your voice counts and everyone’s input is valuable, regardless of who you are – the simplest of ideas or changes to the way we work can put a smile on plenty of faces, including your own.

Bring on improvements, positives change and promotions.